Posted on: 01 May 2014 By: tcapeles

What can we do when schools push back on owning this issue of mangaing/reducing/limiting asthma triggers, creating indoor air quality teams or taking on yet another compontent with out funding support, or resource capacity, when they already have another slew of actual mandates that they are struggling to adhere to.

We can provide training, but ultimately they need to own it. That's where we are stuggling. Its not that they don't think it is important, but there are just so many other things that are important as well (some funded, some not), but are actual federal or state requirements that take much higher precedence.

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Thu, 05/01/2014 - 15:27

A couple of thoughts - first the award helped tremendously.  Also the NJPEOSH Indoor Air Quality Designated Person requirement had a huge impact because in public facilities they have to have someone trained to be accountable for implementing regulations.  Superintendents take those regulations seroiusly.  We also found that teachers were very responsovie to reducing exposure to asthma triggers.  They didn't realize what triggered asthma and we have a study that showed nearly half the school nurses responded with specific actions their teachers had taken following the training.

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