Posted on: 18 February 2015 By: wekantalk

Are corrective measure to the home such as repair of water leaks and gel bait extermination for roach infestation reimbursable?

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Wed, 02/18/2015 - 14:35

Presentation today sounded very nice for States. But what about Tribes? Is there something that would allow Tribes to access support/reimbursement form IHS or through other Federal programs to address asthma services? And what kind of services are reimbursable to a Federally Recognized Tribes through these non-State framework?


Wed, 02/18/2015 - 15:32

NCHH heard from two states in our survey that structural remediation (which would include items like repair of water leaks) was covered as part of the service, but we have a lot of questions about how that is actually being financed.  It appears from some of the open-ended comments that some of these types of services may being funded by leveraged CDBG funds.  This is an area that we'll be following up in our follow-up interviews and case studies this year.

In terms of gel baits extermination for roach infestations, that is something that would fall under the category of low-cost supplies or services and NCHH heard from five states that these types of products and services were covered as part of the home-based asthma service.  It appears that these services may be delivered in a managed care delivery framework, which allows much more flexibility for the types of services and products provided (e.g., the managed care organization may be paid for providing a disease management program and they choose to include gel baits as parts of that disease management program).


Wed, 02/18/2015 - 15:32

As a follow up to charliel's question, are there any tribes that already have programs in place to address IAQ issues that trigger asthma? 

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