Posted on: 01 May 2014 By: la0149

IT's great NJ has the regulatory support for Asthma treatments plans.  We have found it difficult to address this in an area where very few providers complete AAPs.  What steps did the LA program take to reach their success in this area?


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Yolanda Cuevas

Thu, 05/01/2014 - 15:22

LAUSD has made improvement but we also strugle with the same issue.  We have trained over 500 School Nurses and at each interaction we have with a parent and student we provide an AAP and review its improtance.


Thu, 05/01/2014 - 15:22

We have had great success in getting the support of the providers to fill out the form.  The schools distribute the form to the parents and that gets it going.  In 2005 we surveyed and discovered that school nurses were having great difficulty.  We tracked their issues and created a powerpoint to address how to resolve those issues. It is up on our website now under schools, under asthma treatment plan.  Our 2010 school nurse survey showed terrific improvement.

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