Posted on: 01 November 2018 By: wekantalk

We are non-profit and currently work with the county EPA person(funded by the health dept) to do home asthma environmental visits. The EPA worker does the trigger assessment accompanied by our care manager who then provides the asthma education and devise training. We use our own monies from small grants etc., to pay for hepa vacuum cleaners pillow/mattress covers. Would we need a person full time to  look into some of these programs as described in the webinar?  Thanks!

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Thu, 11/01/2018 - 12:45

Pursuing reimbursement for home visits is hard work and depending on who and how many people are involved, it can take years. It's hard to know what would be reqiured in your local circumstance, but the National Center for Healthy Housing offers a technical assistance program designed for individual leaders who want to learn more about how to navigate the reimbursement process. I suggest you follow up on the open office hours available between now and June 28:


Thu, 11/01/2018 - 12:45

It depends on the volume. Even our largest health departments in Missouri do not have full-time personnel 100% dedicated to asthma home interventions programs.  This service is part of the role that a community health staffer or enviromental specialist has. We have one health system in Missouri (that I know of) with dedicated, full-time personnel who are focused their asthma home visit programming...and that includes pursing reimbursement. Kudos to Mercy Children's Hospital in Kansas City for their investment in this work.

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