Breathe Well Live Well-ALACS serving Nebraska

7101 Newport Ave
Omaha, NE 68152
United States

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Beth Joslin
Serving the state of Nebraska, Breathe Well, Live Well (BWLW) is an asthma management program for adults with asthma that aims to reduce illness and disability by improving asthma knowledge and self-management skills.

Breathe Well, Live Well (BWLW) is an asthma management program for adults with asthma. The program aims to reduce illness and disability due to asthma by improving asthma knowledge and self-management skills. This program consists of three modules: an orientation module, a workshop module, and a follow-up and reinforcement module. Based on the data collected during the BWLW pilot site evaluation, the program proved to be effective for increasing knowledge and perceived self-efficacy for asthma management and for increasing the frequency of asthma self-management practices. BWLW program facilitators must complete a program training conducted by the American Lung Association. It is recommended that the facilitator be a Certified Asthma Educator (AE-C).

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