Glen Ellyn Pharmacy - RPh for asthma controll

486 Roosevelt Rd
60137 Glen Ellyn


Robert Listecki
Glen Ellyn Pharmacy identifies and supports patients with asthma to reduce exposure to asthma triggers and improve outcomes.

To first identify patients connected with 85 health conditions caused by yeast and fungus overgrowth in the intestinal tract (asthma, wheezing/chest tightness, and recurrent bronchitis are some related conditions) and then introduce per protocol high cell count lactobacillus acidophilus (originally obtained via a vaginal birth) and bifodobacterium bifidum Bb-12 and Bifidobacterium longum (originally obtained from breast feeding). Cell counts must be from products stored in the refrigerator, guaranteed cell counts at expiration, and from 10 billion to 125 billion as a daily dose. A nutrition counseling session about the glycemic index of carbohydrates in the diet as well as the 2 week test of dairy wheat elimination.
Results have been observed in as quick as 5 hours resolution of an asthma episode. Working within these perameters and the patients physician we see reductions in medications step down to maintain good peak flow targets. Many patients with these fungal yeast overgrowths resolve many other of the 85 reported problems.
We identify if the patient has an appendix (storehouse of the friendly bacteria obtained in the first two months of life) If no appendix then we dose the probiotics at the higher levels to help retard yeast overgrowth and would further consider adding a 95% fructoolegosaccharides (FOS) also known as a prebiotic to increase the probiotic dose to multiply 5 times greater to achieve the necessary cell counts to competitively inhibit the yeast and fungal overgrowth.
It is the protein fragments from excessive yeast and fungal cell dieoff that is the enviromental trigger to asthma, eczema, and allergies.