Partnership with health plans/insurers/employers?

I'm interested in home-based/community asthma programs that have partnered with health plans (govt or commercial insurers), employers or other payers for payment of services (fee-for-service or other arrangements), referrals, data sharing, etc. Examples, success stories, lessons learned...?

Floyd Malveaux

  • Posted on: 14 May 2013
  • By: elliott

I’m Dr. Floyd Malveaux with the Merck Childhood Asthma Network (MCAN). We are focused on enhancing access to quality asthma care and management for children in the U.S. As a nation, we cannot continue to approach childhood asthma the same old way and expect to reverse the fact that one in every 11 children suffers from it and the asthma disparities that exist in many communities.

Join us in Celebrating World Asthma Day!!!!!!!!!

  • Posted on: 13 May 2013
  • By: is celebrating World Asthma Day by offering patient education for Asthma and COPD patients and CRCE courses for Respiratory Therapists. Download Free App - Assist Me with Inhalers from our website Distribute free handouts on patient instructions inhaler technique guide Improving the standards of patient education by using these interactive teaching tools can help you save your time and encourage patient participation for better treatment outcome
