Home Characteristics and Asthma Triggers - Checklist for Home Visitors

Sponsoring Program Name: 
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
Using this home assessment can help make homes healthier.

Using this home assessment can help make homes healthier. A trained home visitor can help find common asthma triggers in homes and discuss ways to reduce and remove triggers. Removing asthma triggers in the home, along with the proper medical care can improve health. The checklist is organized into a Core Assessment plus two appendices (Dust Mite Module and Mold and Moisture Module). The Core Assessment can be used for all types of housing and climates, but the additional modules can be used if dust mites or mold/moisture issues are suspected by the trained home visitor. The suggested action items in the checklist are generally simple and low cost. 


A Resource Center for Implementing CDC's 6|18 Initiative

Sponsoring Program Name: 
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
This Center for Health Care Strategies (CHCS) resource center, made possible through support from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, is designed to advance implementation of CDC’s 6|18 Initiative by Medicaid, state and local health departments, and other payers and purchasers. It offers practical resources and state examples to guide stakeholders in spending smarter for healthier populations. Learn about state technical assistance activities for CDC’s 6|18 Initiative. New state technical assistance will launch in October 2018.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) 6|18 Initiative: Accelerating Evidence into Action promotes the adoption of evidence-based interventions that can improve health and control costs related to six high-burden, high-cost health conditions — tobacco usehigh blood pressureinappropriate antibiotic useasthmaunintended pregnancies, and type 2 diabetes.

This Center for Health Care Strategies (CHCS) resource center, made possible through support from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, is designed to advance implementation of CDC’s 6|18 Initiative by Medicaid, state and local health departments, and other payers and purchasers. It offers practical resources and state examples to guide stakeholders in spending smarter for healthier populations. 

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