Environmental Assessment/Checklist

Webinar on reimbursement for environmental services for asthma

Sponsoring Program Name: 
Green & Healthy Homes Initiative
A half-day event March 31 from 11:30 AM – 3:30 PM ET, the 2021 Asthma Convening will explore best practices and emerging issues in comprehensive asthma programming as well as policy considerations for asthma advocates in 2021 and beyond. This virtual event is an opportunity to learn more about GHHI's National Initiative for Asthma Reimbursement, network with asthma programs operating across the country, and explore opportunities to take your program to the next level.

Join GHHI and our partners for the 2021 Asthma Convening!

A half-day event March 31 from 11:30 AM - 3:30 PM ET, the 2021 Asthma Convening
will explore best practices and emerging issues in comprehensive asthma
programming as well as policy considerations for 2021 and beyond. This virtual
event is an opportunity to learn more about GHHI's National Initiative for
Asthma Reimbursement, network with asthma healthy homes programs operating
across the country, and explore opportunities to take your program to the
next level.

[GHHI 2021 Asthma Convening image]

AGENDA (all times Eastern)

11:30a-12:00pm Executive Welcome + Impact Update
12:00-1:00pm Lessons from the Field
1:00-1:15pm BREAK
1:15-2:15pm Strategies for pursuing healthcare funding
of home-based asthma services 2:15-2:30pm BREAK
2:30-3:15pm Advancing Asthma Healthy Housing Initiatives
in 2021 + Beyond 3:15-3:30pm Closing Remarks

For more information and to register for the 2021 Asthma Convening, visit:


Contact Name: 
Michael McKnight
Contact Email: 
Contact Phone: 
Resource Type: 

Home Characteristics and Asthma Triggers: Checklist for Home Visitors

Sponsoring Program Name: 
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
Using this home assessment can help make homes healthier.

Using this home assessment can help make homes healthier. A trained home visitor can help find common asthma triggers in homes and discuss ways to reduce and remove triggers. Removing asthma triggers in the home, along with the proper medical care can improve health. The checklist is organized into a Core Assessment plus two appendices (Dust Mite Module and Mold and Moisture Module). The Core Assessment can be used for all types of housing and climates, but the additional modules can be used if dust mites or mold/moisture issues are suspected by the trained home visitor. The suggested action items in the checklist are generally simple and low cost. 


Home Characteristics and Asthma Triggers - Checklist for Home Visitors

Sponsoring Program Name: 
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
Using this home assessment can help make homes healthier.

Using this home assessment can help make homes healthier. A trained home visitor can help find common asthma triggers in homes and discuss ways to reduce and remove triggers. Removing asthma triggers in the home, along with the proper medical care can improve health. The checklist is organized into a Core Assessment plus two appendices (Dust Mite Module and Mold and Moisture Module). The Core Assessment can be used for all types of housing and climates, but the additional modules can be used if dust mites or mold/moisture issues are suspected by the trained home visitor. The suggested action items in the checklist are generally simple and low cost. 

