Effective Asthma Management in Schools

It is imperative to bring the school nurse into the fold, along along with the patients care team when managing asthmatic children. When the school nurse is empowered with real time evidence and now capable of helping the distressed child, absenteeism, lost work days and hospital visits are reduced, producing healthier, happy children while reducing costs.

Ashtrays in East Lansing Housing Units

Question for Patricia: One of your slides indicated that existiing ashtrays in the apartment buildings were being turned into artwork. Does any local smokefree legislation exist that prohibits smoking tobacco products in pubic common areas of residenes such as the lobby, laundry room and hallways? When the NYC Smokefree Air Act went into effect smoking became prohibited in all common areas of apartment buildings (not the actual apartments) such as the lobby, hallways and laundry rooms, etc.
