Children's Health Center is a free standing, non-profit primary care clinic and the primary training site for the UCSF Fresno pediatric residents and rotating medical students. The clinic is the medical home for the majority of the underprivileged, underserved, under insured, children from poor income, urban population of the Fresno metro area. Our asthma program focuses on patient education, provider education and Continuous Quality Improvement of our asthma services. Through two successive State funded asthma initiatives from 2005 to 2009 (BPCA and IAC) we have successfully implemented changes in our asthma care practices with significant impact on the asthma care standards, reduced hospitalization rates, ED visits, and improved Quality of Life in asthmatic children.
4469 East Huntington Boulevard
Fresno, CA 93702
United States
Program Type:
Community, Non-profit, UniversityPopulation Served:
Area Served:
Year Established:
Maries Joseph
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