This learning series addresses issues critical to delivering and financing comprehensive asthma care. Authors of an important report about the cost-effectiveness of asthma management strategies discuss their findings, in particular around education and in-home environmental interventions. Executives from two health plans also discuss their approaches to delivering and financing comprehensive asthma programs.

A Business Case for Education and Environmental Interventions – A Discussion with the Authors

Polly Hoppin and Laurie Stillman

Learn about a recommended framework for implementing asthma education and environmental interventions and determine how your program can implement this framework which is grounded in the business case analysis. Hear about the recommended mechanisms of implementation for public and private payers, health care groups and employees, and policymakers.

Presentation PDF
Presentation PowerPoint

A Business Case for Education and Environmental Interventions – A Discussion with the Authors

Closing Remarks - Tracy Enger and David Rowson, Environmental Protection Agency

Hear participant poll results about challenges and successes with asthma education and environmental interventions. Learn how the Online Network supports strategies and information-sharing among community programs.

Presentation PDF
Presentation PowerPoint

Health Plans Tackle Asthma Control

Tracy Enger, Environmental Protection Agency

Learn how EPA is supporting the delivery of community-based asthma care through the Online Network. Discover how communities and health plans across the nation can join together to achieve positive health outcomes.

TracyIntro.flv (7.48 MB)
Presentation PDF
Presentation PowerPoint

Health Plans Tackle Asthma Control

Rita Carreon, America’s Health Insurance Plans

Discover how America’s Health Insurance Plans — a national association supporting nearly 1,300 member companies — launched a national program to support health insurance plans as they design and offer comprehensive asthma management programs.

Presentation PDF
Presentation PowerPoint

Health Plans Tackle Asthma Control

Dr. Jim Glauber, Neighborhood Health Plan

Learn about Neighborhood Health Plan’s Asthma In-Home Environmental Interventions, an evidence-based approach—grounded in the Inner City Asthma Study, to treating asthma that incorporates asthma education and environmental controls. Discover their comprehensive strategy for asthma management and prevention, tailored to achieve optimal asthma control for their patients.

NHP_JimGlauber.flv (24.85 MB)
Presentation PDF
Presentation PowerPoint

Health Plans Tackle Asthma Control

Dr. Joe Stankaitis, Monroe Plan

Discover how the Monroe Plan asthma program is implementing the five key drivers to achieve positive health outcomes. Learn about their process for building the system, measures of success, and how they track return on investment. Examine their strategies for sustaining their program to continue improving asthma care for children.

Presentation PDF
Presentation PowerPoint

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