spirometry outcomes
What was the spirometry criterion - annual, or ever done?
Please post your questions for the webinar on Collaborating for Better Care: Strategies for Successful Partnerships Between Health Plans and Asthma Programs,' here.
What was the spirometry criterion - annual, or ever done?
Are dr offices/ clinics, etc able to charge for a respiratory therapist to do asthma education?
Children with poorly controled asthma have grown up to be adults with poorly controled asthma. What programs have been available for adults? Adults with poorly controled asthma have a greater cost in health care, lost days of work, etc. they also have children that are likely to have asthma who are looking to their parents on how to manage their asthma. This is why i ask about adult programs.
Please address how cultural competence is reflected in your approach and in what ways, if any, you incorporate CHWs into your asthma program.
Did HCSC or ALAUM look into any difference in impacts of childhood asthma across the states addressed?
I see that ALAUM has partnered with health providers at more than 60 clinics. Can you briefly ellaborate on some of these partnerships and which ones were most successful/why?
Our Newest Program: Kentucky Asthma Management Program