
Get a Head Start on Asthma

Asthma education and resources to help you care for preschool children with asthma (PPTs, fact sheets, videos, curriculum, etc...)

Asthma education and resources to help you care for preschool children with asthma (PPTs, fact sheets, videos, curriculum, etc...)


Provided by the University of Minnesota School of Nursing

Building the Capacity of Child Care Providers to Care for Children with Asthma

12-minute streaming presentation by Krista Ward on the experience of the organization “Breathe California Golden Gate Public Health Partnership” in providing asthma education to child care staff in the San Francisco Bay Area.

12-minute streaming presentation by Krista Ward on the experience of the organization "Breathe California Golden Gate Public Health Partnership" in providing asthma education to child care staff in the San Francisco Bay Area. This video will be of particular interest to program managers and others who organize this work. It describes how Breathe California provided training, and helped to institutionalize practices addressing asthma/environmental triggers, and includes a discussion of an "Asthma-Friendly Child Care" award to a Head Start staff member.

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