Maine Asthma Prevention and Control Program (MAPC)

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Maine Asthma Prevention and Control Program (MAPC). MAPC has provided overall leadership and coordination of evidence-based strategies to decrease the burden of asthma, particularly among those experiencing health disparities and shortages of services for more than 20 years. Through the Maine In-Home Asthma Education Program (HAEP), MAPC designed a home-based asthma program for designed adults, children, and their caregivers, designed to teach self-management skills to people with asthma and to provide education to their families and caregivers.

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Left to Right – Chad Mitchell, Partnerships for Health/Evaluation; Paola Piedrahita, Program Manager MAPC, Tessa Collins, PFH/Evaluation; Leigh Riley, Healthy Living Coordinator, MAPC, Michelle Mitchell, Executive Director, PFH and Eric Frohmberg, Chronic Disease Program Manager, Not Pictured, Denise Yob, Epidemiologist.

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