
Moisture Control Guidance for Building Design, Construction and Maintenance

Sponsoring Program: 
This document provides building professionals with practical guidance to control moisture in buildings during design, construction and maintenance.

The tools and information in this guidance will help keep the air clean where many Americans spend up to 90 percent of their time – indoors.  Some of the biggest threats to indoor air quality stem from moisture issues. Leaking roofs, plumbing problems, condensation issues, poor indoor humidity control, and lack of drainage around the base of buildings are  some of the commonly reported causes of moisture problems in the United States.  These problems can not only threaten the structural integrity of buildings, they can also increase exposure to mold and other biological contaminants. Such exposure is associated with increases in the occurrence and severity of allergies, asthma and other respiratory illnesses. 

Contact Name: 
EPA Asthma Team

Nuevo Reparar el Aire al Interior del Hogar, la Escuela y al Jugar

Material educativo que ayuda a familias con alergias y asma a eliminar los alérgenos que causan síntomas al interior del hogar, la escuela o en os lugares donde el niño juega.

Allergy & Asthma Network Mothers of Asthmatics (AANMA) quiere compartir con ustedes la versión actualizada de la publicación "Reparar el aire al interior del hogar, la escuela y al jugar", un material educativo para toda la familia que enseña cómo eliminar alérgenos al interior del hogar, la escuela y donde el niño juega para mejorar los síntomas de alergia y asma y vivir una mejor calidad de vida. Si quieres más copias para entregar a pacientes o a familias con asma, por favor escribe a mgieminiani@aanma.org.

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Contact Name: 
Marcela Gieminiani
Contact Email: 
Contact Phone: 
Literacy Level: 

New Indoor AIRepair at home, school and play

A practical and family friendly tool to learn about the direct correlation between indoor air quality and improved allergy and asthma symptoms.

Allergy & Asthma Network Mothers of Asthmatics (AANMA) is very pleased to share the Indoor AIRepair at Home, School and Play publication, a patient friendly educational material to educate people about the direct correlation between good indoor air quality and improved allergy and asthma symptoms. It also provides information about affordable and practical solutions to eliminate common allergens, irritants and pollutants inside home, school and play areas. If you need additional copies, please contact me at mgieminiani@aanma.org.

File Attachment: 
Contact Name: 
Marcela Gieminiani
Contact Email: 
Contact Phone: 
Literacy Level: 
