
Webinar on reimbursement for environmental services for asthma

Sponsoring Program Name: 
Green & Healthy Homes Initiative
A half-day event March 31 from 11:30 AM – 3:30 PM ET, the 2021 Asthma Convening will explore best practices and emerging issues in comprehensive asthma programming as well as policy considerations for asthma advocates in 2021 and beyond. This virtual event is an opportunity to learn more about GHHI's National Initiative for Asthma Reimbursement, network with asthma programs operating across the country, and explore opportunities to take your program to the next level.

Join GHHI and our partners for the 2021 Asthma Convening!

A half-day event March 31 from 11:30 AM - 3:30 PM ET, the 2021 Asthma Convening
will explore best practices and emerging issues in comprehensive asthma
programming as well as policy considerations for 2021 and beyond. This virtual
event is an opportunity to learn more about GHHI's National Initiative for
Asthma Reimbursement, network with asthma healthy homes programs operating
across the country, and explore opportunities to take your program to the
next level.

[GHHI 2021 Asthma Convening image]

AGENDA (all times Eastern)

11:30a-12:00pm Executive Welcome + Impact Update
12:00-1:00pm Lessons from the Field
1:00-1:15pm BREAK
1:15-2:15pm Strategies for pursuing healthcare funding
of home-based asthma services 2:15-2:30pm BREAK
2:30-3:15pm Advancing Asthma Healthy Housing Initiatives
in 2021 + Beyond 3:15-3:30pm Closing Remarks

For more information and to register for the 2021 Asthma Convening, visit:


Contact Name: 
Michael McKnight
Contact Email: 
Contact Phone: 
Resource Type: 

Building Systems to Sustain Home-Based Asthma Services

Sponsoring Program Name: 
National Center for Healthy Housing
Building Systems to Sustain Home-Based Asthma Services is a new eLearning and technical assistance platform designed to equip staff in public health agencies, state asthma-control programs, state Medicaid agencies, and other housing and health organizations with information about how to build the systems, infrastructure, and financing to put home-based asthma services in place in their own states, communities, or regions.

NCHH is excited to announce the release of a valuable new resource for those working to institute or expand the delivery of home-based asthma services. Building Systems to Sustain Home-Based Asthma Services is a new eLearning and technical assistance platform designed to equip staff in public health agencies, state asthma-control programs, state Medicaid agencies, and other housing and health organizations with information about how to build the systems, infrastructure, and financing to put home-based asthma services in place in their own states, communities, or regions. A collection of 10 free eLearning modules and the availability of technical assistance and support from a team of NCHH-lead experts and partners combine to maximize opportunities to launch and grow large-scale, evidence-based, sustainable asthma home visiting programs. Visit http://bit.ly/NCHH_eLearn or http://nchh.org/Program/EquippingStatesforReimbursement.aspx to learn more today!

Contact Name: 
Laura Fudala
Contact Email: 
Contact Phone: 
Literacy Level: 

Asthma in Children Infographic: Symptoms, Triggers and Treatments

Sponsoring Program Name: 
An infographic from Home Clean Expert that visually explains the symptoms, triggers and treatments of childhood asthma.

This infographic was created to highlight the issues and create awareness of childhood asthma. 

Asthma affects 7 million children in the US and is the leading cause of chronic illness in children.

It can often be hard to diagnose due to symptoms similar to other illnesses, and the fact that not all children have the same symptoms.

It is very challenging to diagnose asthma in under 5’s. The symptoms can be caused by various other illnesses, and young children do not understand well enough to use the breathing equipment that a test requires.

Read More: Asthma in Children: Symptoms, Triggers and Treatments (Infographic)

Contact Name: 
Sammy Dolan
Contact Email: 
Contact Phone: 
Resource Category: 
Resource Type: 
