Whether you recently attended a webinar or need more information, access the archived presentation materials and audio/visual recordings below to learn more about home environmental interventions, best practices for asthma management, program evaluation basics, housing code enforcement, and more.
Hear ways that asthma programs may benefit from new opportunities in today’s changing healthcare landscape. Learn about the Medicaid reimbursement provision for non-medical providers delivering preventive care services and how to effectively engage your state Medicaid office and managed care plans on reimbursement for asthma care services. Hear recommendations and key steps taken by one program that advocated for and received approval from CMS for Medicaid reimbursement as a Targeted Case Management Program.
Learn the different reimbursement barriers and opportunities in paying for asthma management at school. This webinar describes public and private funding sources used by school districts to cover nursing services; examines recent legal changes to the “free care rule,” which is an obstacle to Medicaid reimbursement in schools; and discuss new ways to increase access to health services in schools.
Take a close look at how diverse settings influence childhood asthma care coordination program design. Presenters discuss care implementation through school district nursing services, urban pediatric health systems, federally qualified health centers, and in partnership with multiple providers and organizations.
Learn innovative approaches for improving asthma outcomes in schools from two environmental health leaders who engaged school districts to take action on asthma. Laura Wheeler, a school nurse, champions asthma management for her district and shares tips and lessons learned for flood preparedness. Teresa Lipsett-Ruiz leads innovative interventions in over a hundred schools facing some of the highest asthma rates in the U.S. Both leaders discuss the ways in which their programs are grounded in EPA’s Indoor Air Quality Tools for Schools guidance.
Expand the traditional healthcare team to include asthma educators/counselors/coordinators could close the gap in care for children with asthma. Learn the barriers to the wide-spread integration of the asthma educator, which includes limited reimbursement for educational and counseling services despite a national standardized certification process and minimal awareness about the role and benefits of these professionals.
In this webinar, learn from 2013 National Environmental Leadership Award in Asthma Management winners as they share their strategies on how to effectively build, evaluate and sustain comprehensive asthma management programs. Learn about key components of their exceptional programs, a significant challenge each faced in growing their program’s success, and the lessons they learned.
Read more about the Award winners here: http://www.asthmaawards.info/awards/winners/year/2013
Helping Children Breathe and Thrive in Chicago Public Housing (HCBT) is an innovative pilot program between Sinai Urban Health Institute and the Chicago Housing Authority in six Chicago public housing developments. Recruited from the housing properties, Community Health Workers help families of children and adults with asthma by addressing their homes' environmental triggers, connecting them with health and social services, and teaching them asthma self-management skills.
Cleveland’s HUD-funded Case Healthy Homes & Patients Program (CHHAP) is an innovative community collaboration that achieved significant cost savings and improved outcomes among children with asthma. In this webinar Dr. Dorr Dearborn and Stuart Greenberg will discuss how CHHAP’s successful blend of in-home asthma education and targeted healthy homes remediation led to a 58.6 percent decrease in hospitalizations of children with asthma.
Take a close look at new and ongoing efforts underway in Massachusetts to address the burden of childhood asthma through delivery system innovations and new reimbursement models that promote community-based interventions to reduce asthma triggers in homes and community settings.
View this webinar to learn how you can help your state get ready for community health worker (CHW) reimbursement. Speakers Nancy Sutton and Jean Zotter discuss five readiness steps for reimbursement and how their programs are: *Promoting a common definition of CHWs* *Integrating standardized asthma education training into CHW training* *Securing partnerships and developing collaborations across an integrated care system* *Ensuring workforce standards for CHW services* *Developing cost-benefits models to evaluate the financial impact of CHWs on healthcare systems and policies*
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