Posted on: 13 February 2014 By: rvinetz

Is there a single place where the various publications and references on Cost Savings Data are collated?

This would be a tremendous service if someone could create it?


Robert Vinetz, MD
Medical Advisor, Pediatric Asthma Disease Management Prog. (QueensCare Health Centers)

Co-chair, Asthma Coalition of Los Angeles County

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Thu, 02/13/2014 - 15:28

This would be great information for EPA pull together and post on  Thanks for the suggestion.

Katrin Kral

Thu, 02/13/2014 - 18:26

Great suggestion!  As Brenda mentioned, we will post the content more prominently on  In the meantime, check out the following resources available through this website:

1)  2009 Webinar, "The Science and Value Behind Targeted Home Environmental Interventions" -- CDC Community Guide

2)  2009 Webinar, "Economic Evaluation of Home-Based Environment Interventions"

3)  Document:  "Economic Value of Home-Based, Multi-Trigger, Multi-component Interventions with an Environmental Focus for Reducing Asthma Morbidity"

Hope this helps!

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