Posted on: 27 September 2016 By: epa_admin

Please address how cultural competence is reflected in your approach and in what ways, if any, you incorporate CHWs into your asthma program.

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Tue, 09/27/2016 - 14:20

The American Lung Assocatition of the Upper Midwest provides capcity building training to Community Health Workers so as organizations use CHWs, they have a strong foundation, knowledge, and skills in asthma.

ALA-UM also addresses cultural competence through discussing with providers patient/caregiver beliefs during the patient self-management section of our QI framework.



Tue, 09/27/2016 - 14:20

The American Lung Assocatition of the Upper Midwest provides capcity building training to Community Health Workers so as organizations use CHWs, they have a strong foundation, knowledge, and skills in asthma.

ALA-UM also addresses cultural competence through discussing with providers patient/caregiver beliefs during the patient self-management section of our QI framework.


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