Posted on: 20 May 2014 By: Viv McKay

Is the DVD available to other communities. We have a large Chinese population in St. Louis and would like to be able to provide this tool for that community?

For the Peach State Team - did all 700 teens go to one clinic or various places throughout city? Also, were you specific to a geographic area?

For the 1st group, Multnumal (?) did you say you got the $400,000 for home repairs from HUD?


Thanks - Viviane McKay

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Tue, 05/20/2014 - 15:29

Multnomah County partnered with the City of Portland who used their CDBG dollars to fund small home repair. ( not from HUD)  $100/yr with a total of $400,000 over the course of the grant.  HUD funded the other areas of the grant but not the physical home repair. 


Tue, 05/20/2014 - 15:25

Participants came from all regions of Georgia, and received care from their primary care physicians and specialists as needed.


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