Is the DVD available to other communities. We have a large Chinese population in St. Louis and would like to be able to provide this tool for that community?
For the Peach State Team - did all 700 teens go to one clinic or various places throughout city? Also, were you specific to a geographic area?
For the 1st group, Multnumal (?) did you say you got the $400,000 for home repairs from HUD?
Thanks - Viviane McKay
Multnomah County partnered
Multnomah County partnered with the City of Portland who used their CDBG dollars to fund small home repair. ( not from HUD) $100/yr with a total of $400,000 over the course of the grant. HUD funded the other areas of the grant but not the physical home repair.
Yes, please contact us for
Yes, please contact us for more information via email:
Participants came from all
Participants came from all regions of Georgia, and received care from their primary care physicians and specialists as needed.