Please post your questions for the 'High-Performing Collaborations and Partnerships in Providing Asthma Care Services Webinar' on May 20, 2014, here.

School Involvement

Posted on: 20 May 2014 By: jshaw

Only limited involvement with the Schools was mentioned.  We are looking in the Albany NY area to focus attention in schools serving our high asthma impact geographic areas (hospital admissions, readmissions, and ED visits), since the schools:

Tufts DVD

Posted on: 20 May 2014 By: Viv McKay

Is the DVD available to other communities. We have a large Chinese population in St. Louis and would like to be able to provide this tool for that community?

For the Peach State Team - did all 700 teens go to one clinic or various places throughout city? Also, were you specific to a geographic area?

For the 1st group, Multnumal (?) did you say you got the $400,000 for home repairs from HUD?


Thanks - Viviane McKay

Asthma Action Plan use

Posted on: 20 May 2014 By: jshaw

For each presenter:

1. Does your asthma action plan have a specific section for applicable triggers?

2. What % of students with asthma have an AAP on file with their school?

3. Does the AAP also serve as the formal medication authorization?

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