Posted on: 19 November 2015 By: wekantalk

How do we encourage families to take our suggestions on how to eliminate triggers or follow up with educational sessions? How do we make them care?

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Thu, 11/19/2015 - 15:24

As a primary care provider, I find that sometimes it takes many visits to build the relationship and trust that can help families to accept home visits as a part of better asthma self-management.  Providing a clear and consistent message over multiple visits is key.  Familes may decline home visits on multiple occasions, but sometimes it requires finding that "teachable moment" and bringing it up again - after an ER visit for a particularly severe asthma exacerbation, or when the family notices a visible hazard at home like mold or water damage. 




Thu, 11/19/2015 - 15:40

In Albany, NY we are pursuing multiple paths to family engagement including:

  • Using Medicaid Reform investments (also in other regions of NYS) through both providers and Community Based Organizations (CBOs)
  • Engaging Community Leaders on the Medicaid Reform teams
  • The County Health Departments are doing Breathe Easy Workshops in Public Housing Community Rooms
  • As part of a NYS pilot, using Community Engagement facilitators in targeted high need neighborhoods.

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