Imaging Advance Offers New View on Allergic Asthma

  • Posted on: 19 October 2016
  • By: wekantalk (not verified)
You probably know people who sneeze a little when they encounter plant pollens, pet dander, or other everyday allergens. For others, however, these same allergens can trigger a serious asthma attack that can make breathing a life-or-death struggle. Now, two NIH-funded research groups have teamed up to help explain the differences in severity underlying the two types of reactions.

ALAUM Efforts

Impressed with ALAUM efforts. We have many of the same components in our state but unfortunately we have seen many ALA ED's come and go affecting our resources and partnerships from moving forward with SME. Do you have tips for working with ALA in other regions? Does ALA executive offices support this effort in other branches or do you plan on sharing with other branches the success you have had? How can we better support ALA to find sustainable capacity?

