Working Together Towards Systems Change represents individuals and organizations that have impact at every conceivable level, including that of influencing healthcare policy makers. You are indeed "communities in action." And among you, there is a collective knowledge and experiences that are unmatched. So, I say, let's leverage that knowledge and influence to integrate childhood asthma policy needs into the agendas of healthcare policy makers at the national, state, and local levels.
Funding Streams for Asthma Patient Education
Worn down by the dead-ending grant-cycle bicycle? Well, here's an idea that may help...Read on:
Funding Streams for Asthma Patient Education
Frustrated by lack of permanent funding streams for asthma patient education?
Worn down by the dead-ending grant-cycle bicycle?
Well, here's an idea that may on:
Worn down by the dead-ending grant-cycle bicycle?
Well, here's an idea that may on:
Welcome to the new!
Over the past several months, we heard your feedback on how to improve We took your suggestions and ideas, and redesigned the site so that you can better share, learn, and connect with peers to help advance asthma care in your community.
Action plans help
After tracking patient responses to getting an asthma action plan it is clear that this is what they have been searching for when they have visited a long chain of doctors.
Request a Mentor
If you would like support and guidance from an mentor, complete the following form. Please provide as much information as possible about your particular situation or challenge.
Once a request has been submitted, a Network representative will review each request to identify a mentor to meet your program's specific situation or challenge(s). A representative will contact you typically within a few days. If you need immediate assistance, please contact us.
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Our Newest Program: Kentucky Asthma Management Program
Total Programs in Action: 1101
Total Members in Action: 5114