Please find questions and answers from the "Connecting Health and Housing Programs: Collaborative Efforts to Improve Asthma Outcomes" webinar here. If you have additional questions, please post them here.

Home Assessments - Nurses and Referrals

Posted on: 01 February 2012 By: Brandy

Do you know of any programs that have used nursing students for home environmental assessment with the EPA assessment tool?  If so, were the families receiving home visits referred by hospital ERs, physician offices, school nurses?  

Any suggestions for how to get families interested in the home environmental assessments?

~Julie St.Clair

NY State program on today's webinar

Posted on: 01 February 2012 By: R9IET

The results which you showed on the webinar ("selected outcomes") were very iimpressive. I didn't catch whether you said how many home visits were performed prior to evaluating improvements. Could you tell us more about what the level of engagement with the families was prior to seeing these results?

Awesome presentations! Thanks so much.

Barbara Spark EPA Region 9

For Boston - Smoke Free Public Housing Question

Posted on: 01 February 2012 By: katiebalderas

Boston: What suggestions do you have for overcoming opposition to
adopting and implementing smoke-free housing policies in public housing?
Many of our coalition members are concerned about these policies,
especially in low-income or rent controlled housing due to the threat of
eviction. They feel that if low income residents are evicted for their
addiction, they will be homeless.


Thank you!

high performing collaborations (NYS)

Posted on: 01 February 2012 By: DC Lead and He…

Hi Amanda,

Can you please provide some examples of your most successful high performing collaborations?  Did you organize a task force or some other body that would meet on a regular basis to facilitate communication and build trust among a variety of organizations?


Pierre (DC Lead and Healthy Housing Program, District Dept. of the Environment)


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