Please submit your questions for the webinar, "Using Housing Codes to Improve Asthma Health Outcomes".

Fiduciary Responsibility -Focusing on the wellbeing of people

Posted on: 18 December 2018 By: EnviroEcoSol

- We are a company doing IAQ inspections , mostly residential. 

Issue: Accentuated disinterest of addressing and solving indoor environment issues or in general IAQ concerns. 

- Whow is up to getting in a colaboration finding ways of addressing this. It is a fiduiary responsibily to address IAQ concerns once they are found, and we need a way to raise the awareness of the real impact of these issues on people's quality of life (current and future). Who is available to work on this.

Gabriel Hernandez

thinking past mold

Posted on: 18 December 2018 By: david lipton

I get calls from occupants all the time about dampness and mold growth.  Many times the occupants have contacted code enforcement officials who respond by "we don't inspect for mold".  I see this an issue from both sides. 

1.  how do we get occupants to think past mold to understand the reason is mold growth is present is that materials and contents have been persistently damp and if the problems are beyond the tenant's control frame the problems as maintenance and repairs


Role of Managed Care and Payors

Posted on: 18 December 2018 By: blachman

In cooperation with our vendor doing home visits, City of Dallas Code Enforcement and the EPA Regional Office, we implemented an environmental assessment at part of our asthma education home visits. We have done 50,  56% had housing code violations. 16% led to reports to the City.  We are working to geomap where our higher risk asthmatics are. We have three zip codes were over 10% of total members have high acuity asthma as measured by our predictive modeling tool. These are areas with high concentration of multi family, non high rise housing

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