
AZ Energy Efficient Home

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As a full-service Arizona Home Performance Company, we have discovered a correlation between the Home Performance Audit and the Healthy Home Evaluation. We currently install indoor air quality monitors for those clients affected by poor Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ). The data collected by the monitors allow us to create an individual plan for improved indoor air quality resulting in the reduction or elimination of triggers for asthma attacks.

As a full-service Arizona Home Performance Company, we have discovered a correlation between the Home Performance Audit and the Healthy Home Evaluation.  We currently install indoor air quality monitors for those clients affected by poor Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ).  The data collected by the monitors allow us to create an individual plan for improved indoor air quality resulting in the reduction or elimination of triggers for asthma attacks.

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Dale Sprink
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Evidence points to fish oil to fight asthma

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University of Rochester Medical Center scientists have discovered new essential information about omega 3 fatty acids contained in fish oil and how they could be used for asthma patients.

In a paper published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation -- Insight, researchers using cell cultures from local asthma patients, found that:

  • Omega-3 fatty acid products can reduce the production of IgE, the antibodies that cause allergic reactions and asthma symptoms in people with milder cases of asthma;
  • But in patients with severe asthma who use high doses of oral steroids, the omega-3 fatty acids are less effective because the corticosteroids block the beneficial effects.

Read more here: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2017/02/170209092824.htm

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Childhood Asthma May Encourage Obesity

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Fear of flare-ups might spur kids to limit physical activity, specialists say.

A young child with asthma has a greater risk of obesity than one without the chronic respiratory condition, a new study suggests. The study only found an association between asthma and obesity, not a direct cause-and-effect relationship. And it doesn't suggest that all kids with asthma will become obese. Asthma and obesity often occur together in children. It is unknown whether asthma contributes to the childhood obesity epidemic. The study aimed to investigate the effects of asthma and asthma medication use on the development of childhood obesity.

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