
Leading the Way to Better Breathing: Managed Care Organizations and Asthma Home Visiting Services in California

Sponsoring Program Name: 
Regional Asthma Management and Prevention
Supporting managed care organizations in California – and organizations working with those MCOs – in improving asthma management for MCO members through asthma home visiting services.

RAMP is pleased to release Leading the Way to Better Breathing: Managed Care Organizations and Asthma Home Visiting Services in California.

Asthma home visiting services are a tried and true method for improving health outcomes, lowering health care utilization costs, improving patient care, and reducing health care disparities. Yet, far too many people with poorly controlled asthma don’t have access to these key interventions.

This easy-to-access document aims to change that.

The purpose of this tool is to support managed care organizations in California – and organizations working with those MCOs – in improving asthma management for MCO members by ensuring the provision of asthma home visiting services.

The document highlights the numerous benefits of asthma home visiting services, from their ability to achieve triple aim goals to supporting quality improvement initiatives to addressing more “upstream” health determinants. The tool also explains an abundant number of opportunities MCOs can take advantage of to make support for asthma home visiting services as easy and as efficient as possible, including some best practice examples from the field.

To access the full tool, as well as individual sections, click here.

Contact Name: 
Joel Ervice
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Genetics and Pollution Drive Severity of Asthma Symptoms

Sponsoring Program Name: 
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) and Rice University, Houston
Asthma patients, with a specific genetic profile, exhibit more intense symptoms following exposure to traffic pollution, according to researchers at the National Institutes of Health and collaborators. The study appeared online in Scientific Reports.

Asthma patients, with a specific genetic profile, exhibit more intense symptoms following exposure to traffic pollution, according to researchers at the National Institutes of Health and collaborators. The study appeared online in Scientific Reports.

The research team, made up of scientists from the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), part of NIH, and Rice University, Houston, also found that asthma patients that lack this genetic profile do not have the same sensitivity to traffic pollution and do not experience worse asthma symptoms. The work brings scientists closer to being able to use precision medicine, an emerging field that intends to prevent and treat disease based on factors specific to an individual.

Co-lead author Shepherd Schurman, M.D., associate medical director of the NIEHS Clinical Research Unit, stated the results are based on genetic variation, the subtle differences in DNA that make each person unique. He further added that to understand the concept, one should think of human genes, which are made up of DNA base pairs A, C, G, and T, as written instructions for making proteins.

"All humans have the same genes, in other words the same basic instructions, but in some people one DNA base pair has been changed," Schurman said. "This common type of genetic variation is called a single nucleotide polymorphism or SNP, and it can alter the way proteins are made and make individuals more or less prone to illness."

Schurman is also head of the Environmental Polymorphisms Registry (EPR), the DNA bank in North Carolina that provided volunteers for the study. The EPR studies how SNPs impact disease risk in combination with environmental exposures.

Together with NIEHS colleague and lung disease expert Stavros Garantziotis, M.D., medical director of the NIEHS Clinical Research Unit, the two scientists examined four SNPs that are involved in a biochemical pathway that leads to inflammatory responses in the body. They explained that SNPs are usually studied one at a time, but they wanted to learn if different combinations of these SNPs, along with pollution exposure, could worsen symptoms in a person with an inflammatory disease like asthma.

Schurman and Garantziotis gathered information about the SNPs, severity of asthma symptoms, and residential addresses of 2,704 EPR participants with asthma. Using the SNPs data, they divided the participants into three groups: hyper-responders, or those very sensitive to air pollution and likely to develop inflammation; hypo-responders, or those insensitive to air pollution and less likely to develop inflammation; and those in between. With the help of collaborators at Rice University, the team used the participants’ addresses to calculate their distance from a major road. Participants were categorized depending on whether they lived more or less than 275 yards from a major roadway. Data suggest that air pollution levels are elevated closer to major roads.

The researchers found that asthma sufferers who were hyper-responders and lived closer to heavily travelled roads had the worst asthma symptoms, such as difficulty breathing, chest pain, cough, and wheezing, compared to the other groups. In contrast, asthma patients who were hypo-responders and lived further away from busy roads had milder symptoms. Garantziotis concluded the work could greatly enhance the quality of life for people with asthma.

"Based on this research, we could propose that hyper-responders, who are exposed to traffic pollution, receive air purification intervention, such as HEPA filters, for their home," Garantziotis said.

NIEHS Clinical Director Janet Hall, M.D., said the results emphasize the importance of gene-environment interactions in the progression of disease.

"This research is a great example of how we can approach disease prevention on a personal level, and tailor our treatments to suit individual patients," she said. "That way we can be more efficient with our treatments and preventative measures, while at the same time cutting health care costs."

Grant Numbers: ZIDES102465, ZIAES102605

About the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences: NIEHS supports research to understand the effects of the environment on human health and is part of the National Institutes of Health. For more information on NIEHS or environmental health topics, visit www.niehs.nih.gov or subscribe to a news list.

About the National Institutes of Health (NIH): NIH, the nation's medical research agency, includes 27 Institutes and Centers and is a component of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. NIH is the primary federal agency conducting and supporting basic, clinical, and translational medical research, and is investigating the causes, treatments, and cures for both common and rare diseases. For more information about NIH and its programs, visit www.nih.gov.

NIH…Turning Discovery Into Health®


Schurman SH, Bravo MA, Innes CL, Jackson WB 2nd, McGrath JA, Miranda ML, Garantziotis S. 2018. Toll-like receptor 4 pathway polymorphisms interact with pollution to influence asthma diagnosis and severity. Sci Rep; doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-30865-0 [Online 23 August 2018].


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Climate and Health Knowledge: How much do you know?

Sponsoring Program Name: 
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Climate change is a significant threat to the health of the American people. EPA has recently published a series of fact sheets focusing on the health impacts of climate change at different stages of life, and for certain populations of concern.

No one is immune to the health impacts of climate change. But as with many threats to our health, certain populations are especially at risk. Some groups are more exposed to climate impacts because of where or how they live, some are more sensitive to health threats, and others may be less able to adapt to a changing climate. Populations who are especially at risk include:

  • Those with low income, some communities of color, immigrant groups (including those with limited English proficiency)
  • Indigenous peoples
  • Children
  • Pregnant women
  • Older adults
  • Vulnerable occupational groups like outdoor workers, first responders, and military personnel
  • People with disabilities
  • People with preexisting or chronic medical conditions.

EPA has recently published a series of fact sheets focusing on the health impacts of climate change at different stages of life, and for certain populations of concern.   The more we know about the health impacts of climate change, the better we can protect those who are vulnerable. Read the fact sheets and then test your knowledge with our climate and health quiz.

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