Adult With Asthma

Asthma Action Plan template

Allergy & Asthma Network Mothers of Asthmatics (AANMA)'s Asthma Action Plan template is an easy-to-use, medically reviewed resource -- we get many requests for this from school nurses!


Ask your healthcare provider to fill it out this Asthma Action Plan. This is a guide for preventing as well as treating symptoms, so follow it closely. Take inhaled corticosteroids daily (if prescribed) to control airway inflammation and reduce exposure to allergens and irritants (like secondhand smoke) that make asthma worse.


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Contact Name: 
Christie Chapman
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Literacy Level: 

Indoor Air Quality Home Checklist

A colorful one-page checklist of the most common sources and types of indoor air pollution and the simple, no or low-cost strategies for reducing exposure.

A colorful one-page checklist of the most common sources and types of indoor air pollution and the simple, no or low-cost strategies for reducing exposure.

We developed this resource because many of the other in-home trigger and air quality check lists may be too long, cumbersome, and seem too involved to be effective.  We included colorful pictures to make the checklist more appealing when distributing at tabling events, health fairs, etc.

Contact Name: 
Sean McCormick
Contact Email:
Contact Phone: 
2155674004 X103
Literacy Level: 
