Parent/Caregiver | Where Kids With Asthma Learn to Play

Developed by ORCAS in collaboration with the American Lung Association, Lungtropolis® is a powerful, inexpensive tool for giving parents and children the information and guidance they need to manage asthma.

About Lungtropolis®

Developed by ORCAS in collaboration with the American Lung Association, Lungtropolis® is a powerful, inexpensive tool for giving parents and children the information and guidance they need to manage asthma.

In the Lungtropolis® Kids game, children become "Asthma Control Agents" under the tutelage of Dr. Alvi Olé as they fight to defeat the Mucus Mob. As part of the game, players watch videos and answer questions to help them learn about asthma and how to manage it.

Lungtropolis® Parents is a companion site that offers caregivers comprehensive information and resources to understand and help manage a child's asthma, such as advice on using asthma medicines and what to do in an emergency, as well as tips on how to talk to their medical provider-and their child-about managing asthma.


Contact Name: 
Molly Billow
Contact Email:
Contact Phone: 
Resource Type: 

Asthma Friendly School Award Program

What makes a school asthma friendly? A school is more asthma friendly when all staff work together to provide a safe and healthy school environment to reduce asthma triggers throughout the school. Learn about PACNJ's Asthma Friendly School Award Program, visit WWW.PACNJ.ORG

There are six requirements to qualify for the PACNJ Asthma Friendly School Award. Each step supports the efforts of New Jersey schools to be in compliance with New Jersey Laws for asthma management and good indoor air quality.


1. A Nebulizer is required in each school as mandated by state statute NJSA 18A:40-12.7.
Programs for 2, 3, & 4 (below) are available FREE on the PACNJ website:

2. Each school nurse views two videos: Asthma Basics for School Nurses - a 22 minute video on asthma
management for school nurses and Gadgets and Gizmos for Asthma Control - a 20 minute video of
demonstrations on the use and care of medication delivery devices and the peak flow meter. They
fulfill the requirement mandated by state statute NJSA 18A:40-12.8.

3. Each school nurse views the one-hour PACNJ PowerPoint program: Asthma Treatment Plan: NJ
School Nurses Leading the Way and takes the online quiz to earn 1 Professional Development Hour.

4. Each school nurse conducts the 50-minute PACNJ faculty in-service PowerPoint program: Asthma
Management in the Classroom: What Teachers Need to Know, available from the PACNJ website. It
fulfills the requirement mandated by state statute NJSA 18A:40-12.9 for annual asthma education for
school faculty.

5. A district school nurse and a district facilities person attend the NJDHSS/PEOSH Indoor Air Quality
(IAQ) Training for School Nurses and Designated Persons (PEOSH - Public Employees Occupational
Safety and Health Program). The updated NJPEOSH Indoor Air Quality Standard N.J.A.C. 12:100-13
requires public employers to select and train a designated person. NJDHSS/PEOSH provides the
Designated Persons training and a certificate of attendance.

In addition, each school establishes an Indoor Air Quality Team.

To arrange to attend the free half-day local NJDHSS/PEOSH Indoor Air Quality and Designated
Person’s Training contact

6. The school superintendent signs the NJ DEP “No-Idling Pledge” for the school district.
Visit: for detailed information about the No-Idling Pledge

The Asthma Friendly School Award recognizes a school’s efforts to enhance the quality of education for students and staff who face the challenges of asthma.

Contact Name: 
Melissa Sherman
Contact Email:
Contact Phone: 
908-685-8040 ext. 317
Literacy Level: 

Asthma Treatment Plan

Here is our latest Asthma Treatment Plan designed especially for students!

For Parents of Children with Asthma
New Jersey Law requires students with asthma to have an
Asthma Treatment Plan on file with the School Nurse.

The PACNJ Asthma Treatment Plan is the only written plan
approved by the New Jersey Department of Health and Senior
Services as meeting the requirements of the New Jersey Law.

For students to carry their inhaler in school, your Health Care Provider must check off approval at thebottom of the PACNJ Asthma Treatment Plan.

File Attachment: 
Contact Name: 
Melissa Sherman
Contact Email:
Contact Phone: 
908-685-8040 ext. 317
