
New website en Español:

Sponsoring Program: 
Allergy & Asthma Network Mothers of Asthmatics (AANMA) lauched

Asthma affects people of all ages, genders and socioeconomic status, but its occurs at disproportionately higher rates among some ethnic populations. The Hispanic/Latino population is one of the most affected in the US, with more than 3 million reported. Communication and language barriers are usually blamed. In this new website, Hispanic families can find answers about prevention, symptoms, medications and control. It also offers publications, fact sheets and brochures for free download.

Contact Name: 
Marcela Gieminiani
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Resource Type: 
Literacy Level: 

Your Asthma Game Plan: A Team Effort (Interview with former NFL player Chris Draft)

AANMA staff interviewed former NFL player Chris Draft for the September issue of the MA Report. In the article, titled “Your Asthma Game Plan: A team effort”,

Draft encourages students to bring an asthma action plan to school and carry their inhalers. He also invites people with asthma to get others involved with their asthma management – teachers, friends, etc. The article includes a sidebar that asks readers to share their story at Chris’s web site and watch his EPA Public Service Announcement video “Asthma Can Be Tackled.”

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Contact Name: 
Gary Fitzgerald
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Literacy Level: 

Safe Cleaning for People with Asthma

Easy, inexpensive, non-polluting suggestions for cleaning the home with non-toxic cleaners to decrease asthma triggers.

Cleaning with non-toxic cleaners is a great way to both clean your home and manage asthma. Here are some suggestions for cleaning and decreasing asthma triggers. These recipes are easy, inexpensive and non-polluting. 

Check out the Spanish version here.

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Contact Name: 
Nancy Sutton
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Resource Type: 
Literacy Level: 
