Asthma Educator

Asthma Home Visit Questionnaire

Sponsoring Program Name: 
Boston Public Health Commission
Asthma Home Visit Questionnaire

Asthma Home Visit Questionnaire from the Boston Public Health Commission


This is a PDF printout of a form that was developed and lives in an online program called REDCap. REDCap is a free and secure online portal through which survey instruments and templates can be created and data can be securely stored.  Several questions on the online form are prepopulated with multiple choices or drop-down menus. The PDF version prints all options listed for every question.  It is recommended that anyone looking to adapt this tool prioritize their questions and determine the most suitable questionnaire format. If you have REDCap, we may be able to share the Data Dictionary (online template) for this questionnaire with you.  Please direct any questions related to this questionnaire to

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Wee Breathers in Spanish

Sponsoring Program Name: 
Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA)
The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA) has created a Spanish-language version of our Wee Breathers™ program, which is designed to educate families and young children about asthma care and prevention.

The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA) has created a Spanish-language version of its Wee Breathers™ program, which is designed to educate families and young children about asthma care and prevention.

Asthma is a growing concern in the Hispanic community, especially for Puerto Ricans who have the highest rate of asthma attacks and asthma prevalence 80% higher than non-Hispanic whites. AAFA is dedicated to ensuring that people with asthma have access to educational resources to help reduce the burden of this chronic disease. Wee Breathers™ in Spanish is designed to reach people who are disproportionately affected by asthma and may have low English-language proficiency.  

Wee Breathers™ is a flexible and interactive program used by asthma educators to families of pre-school-age children. The program curriculum consists of seven one-hour lessons, an instructor’s guide and two checklists for identifying asthma triggers in the home and in child care centers. Program handout materials are easy-to-read (6th grade reading level or lower) and are now available in Spanish. Instructors for this program should be a Certified Asthma Educator (AE-C), or other health professional experienced with pediatric asthma management.

Since young children spend most of their time at home or in other caregiver sites like child care centers, Wee Breathers™ was designed to educate families one-on-one in their homes or with a group of parents in a child care setting. The program was developed and reviewed by an advisory team of asthma education professionals, then field-tested with experienced English- and Spanish-speaking asthma educators across the US.

Wee Breathers™ in Spanish is made possible by a cooperative agreement between AAFA and the National Asthma Control Program of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). All program materials are available free-of-charge at

Contact Name: 
Jacqui Vok
Resource Category: 
Resource Type: 
Target Audience: 

e-Asthma Action Plans

Sponsoring Program Name: 
Asthma Initiative of Michigan
Three NHLBI guidelines-based e-versions are available: adult, student and ages 0-4 years old.

Three NHLBI guidelines-based versions are available: adult, student and ages 0-4 years old. These easy-to-use fillable PDF plans can be customized to practices and added to EHRs. Each plan features age-appropriate medications and doses in drop down menus for asthma, GERD and allergy medications, and a triggers section. The 0-4 version includes a place for parental permission to administer meds at school or daycare. The student version (5 to 18 years old) includes places for permission to self-carry and administer inhalers at school, and to share the AAP with others who need it.

Contact Name: 
Tisa Vorce
Contact Email:
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