After you have identified all of the key components of your program’s value proposition, you will be ready to develop your program’s value proposition statement.

Your program’s value proposition statement is your elevator pitch for your program. Keep in mind that funders are constantly propositioned new programs to support. The purpose of your statement is to quickly demonstrate to a potential funder that your program is powerful and worth funding.

To build your value proposition statement, we recommend that you use the model below. Again, every program is unique and so you may have to tailor the template to fit your needs.

For [cost], my program will [long term health outcome] for [target population] and will generate [health cost savings] over the [time period].


For $368,820, my program will reduce hospitalizations by 58 percent for 270 pediatric patients in my community and will generate $5,144,600 in health cost savings for my community over the next 3 years.

Once you’ve obtained a funder’s attention, you will use all of the other components of your value proposition to secure their support.

How Can I Discuss and Learn More about Developing My Program’s Value Proposition?

Use the Communities in Action Discussion Forum on to post your questions, thoughts or ideas about the development of a program value proposition.

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Use the Value Proposition Kit to create your elevator pitch.

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