UIW Team for Kids

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A short-term asthma intervention for Head Start children using AAFA WeeBreathers in small group discussion and a follow-up home assessment using US EPA Home Asthma Checklist. Health professional students from nursing, pharmacy, and respiratory care implemented the program with UIW faculty serving as mentors.
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UNC Center for Environmental Health and Susceptibility, Community Outreach and Engagement Core

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We translate research conducted in the UNC Chapel Hill Center for Environmental Health and Susceptibility, putting it into knowledge that health and housing professionals and the public can use to improve asthma-related outcomes in homes and communities.
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Health & Wellness Alliance

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The Health & Wellness Alliance for Children (the Alliance), is a collaborative initiative of community leaders to collectively improve the health and wellness outcomes of children in Dallas, Texas. The Alliance focuses on improving community health by influencing factors outside of hospital care, including the social determinants of health and preventative care. The Alliance uses a “collective impact” approach that facilitates the alignment of many players within the community to form a common agenda for change around children’s health. The initial focus has been on children’s asthma. While Children’s Health Sytem of Texas (formerly Children's Medical Center) has served as the catalyst for this effort, the Alliance is comprised of and led by a cross­-section of Dallas community stakeholders committed to children’s health.

Colorado Center for Integrated Pest Management

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The mission of the Center is to provide research and outreach in integrated pest management (IPM) practices for sustainable plant and animal agriculture, small and large farms, non-crop lands and waterways, households, landscapes, green industry, schools, buildings and communities that encourage the use of multiple and flexible strategies for the control of insect pests, plant pathogens, and weeds, and in some situations (such as within structures) rodents and other vertebrates.
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Total Programs in Action: 1101
Total Members in Action: 5144