Adirondack Asthma Coalition

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The establishment of the Adirondack Asthma Coalition (Glens Falls, NY 12804) grew out of the recognition of "holes" in the recognition, education, management and follow-up of patients coming through the ER and/or inpatient experience. As a result, a concerted effort has evolved to bring together those who care and worry about children and adults with asthma. Having had in-depth experience with the NC Asthma Program, it has been exciting to see the grass-roots interest in "making a difference for our community!"
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Alliance for Better Health Care, LLC

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A Performing Provider System (PPS) consisting of 3 health systems, 2 FQHC's, 1 independent physician group and more than 1,400 providers and community-based organizations across a 6-county region working collaboratively to improve and integrate the care of asthmatics to reduce avoidable ED visits and hospitalization of Medicaid and uninsured patients.
What type of program do you have?

Children's Hospital of Wisconsin ACES Program

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The ACES (Asthma Care and Environmental Strategies) program is collaborative approach between the WI Dept of Health Services-Division of Public Health and CHW to provide in-home analysis of environmental triggers to asthma combined with a comprehensive client educational program to address pathophysiology, medications, symptoms and early warning signs of asthma, asthma triggers inside and outside the home, and vaccination promotion.
What type of program do you have?

New Mexico Council on Asthma

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New Mexico Council on Asthma’s (NMCOA) mission and vision is to reduce asthma health disparities and improve the quality of life for all people with asthma in New Mexico by coordinating statewide efforts, bringing together community organizations and others to achieve sustainable statewide changes in the environment, education and quality of health care as they relate to asthma.
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Total Programs in Action: 1101
Total Members in Action: 5144