Day Care

Respiratory and Allergic Health Effects of Dampness, Mold and Dampness-Related Agents: A Review of the Epidemiologic Evidence

Many studies have shown consistent associations between evident indoor dampness or mold and respiratory or allergic health effects, but causal links remain unclear. Findings on measured microbiologic factors have received little review. We conducted an updated, comprehensive review on these topics. The review indicated that evident dampness or mold had consistent positive associations with multiple allergic and respiratory effects. Measured microbiologic agents in dust had limited suggestive associations, including both positive and negative associations for some agents. Thus, prevention and remediation of indoor dampness and mold are likely to reduce health risks, but current evidence does not support measuring specific indoor microbiologic factors to guide health-protective actions.

Many studies have shown consistent associations between evident indoor dampness or mold and respiratory or allergic health effects, but causal links remain unclear. Findings on measured microbiologic factors have received little review. We conducted an updated, comprehensive review on these topics. The review indicated that evident dampness or mold had consistent positive associations with multiple allergic and respiratory effects. Measured microbiologic agents in dust had limited suggestive associations, including both positive and negative associations for some agents. Thus, prevention and remediation of indoor dampness and mold are likely to reduce health risks, but current evidence does not support measuring specific indoor microbiologic factors to guide health-protective actions.

Contact Name: 
Brandy Angell
Contact Email:
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Resource Type: 

Indoor Air Quality Home Checklist

A colorful one-page checklist of the most common sources and types of indoor air pollution and the simple, no or low-cost strategies for reducing exposure.

A colorful one-page checklist of the most common sources and types of indoor air pollution and the simple, no or low-cost strategies for reducing exposure.

We developed this resource because many of the other in-home trigger and air quality check lists may be too long, cumbersome, and seem too involved to be effective.  We included colorful pictures to make the checklist more appealing when distributing at tabling events, health fairs, etc.

Contact Name: 
Sean McCormick
Contact Email:
Contact Phone: 
2155674004 X103
Literacy Level: 

You Can Control Your Asthma book

This 24 page, spiral-bound children's book tells the story of living with asthma through simple words and colorful pictures. Download your order form here.


This 24 page, spiral-bound children's book tells the story of living with asthma through simple words and colorful pictures.

This book can be used in:

 • Teaching both children and adults how to manage their asthma

• Group settings, such as schools, childcare centers, libraries, hospitals, and doctor offices

• One-on-one settings, such as meetings with asthma educators, community health outreach workers, and with friends or family members

This book is available in both large (14x11.5) and small (8.5x11) sizes.

  • Large books are perfect for physician waiting rooms and childcare centers.
  • Small books are perfect for clinician exam rooms and asthma educators.
Contact Name: 
Donna Levi
Contact Email:
Contact Phone: 
Literacy Level: 
Target Audience: 
