Community Setting

Community Health Workers as Drivers of a Successful Community-Based Disease Management Initiative

Findings from the Washington Heights/Inwood Network (WIN) for Asthma program were featured in an online article of the American Journal of Public Health. The article, "Community Health Workers as Drivers of a Successful Community-Based Disease Management Initiative," points to the importance of community health workers in bridging gaps in care, providing culturally appropriate education and services and connecting families to the best clinical and social resources for those most in need.

In 2005, local leaders in New York City developed the Washington Heights/Inwood Network for Asthma Program to address the burden of asthma in their community. Bilingual community health workers based in community organizations and the local hospital provided culturally appropriate education and support to families who needed help managing asthma. Families participating in the yearlong care coordination program received comprehensive asthma education, home environmental assessments, trigger reduction strategies, and clinical and social referrals. Since 2006, 472 families have enrolled in the yearlong program. After 12 months, hospitalizations and emergency department visits decreased by more than 50%, and caregiver confidence in controlling the child’s asthma increased to nearly 100%. Key to the program’s success was the commitment and involvement of community partners from program inception to date. (Am J Public Health. Published online ahead of print April 19, 2012: e1-e4. doi:10.2105/AJPH.2011.300585)

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Patricia Peretz
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American Lung Association Asthma Videos Available on YouTube

New asthma videos are available on the American Lung Association's YouTube channel.

The American Lung Associaton recently posted new videos to its asthma YouTube channel. The channel now has eight how-to videos for asthma inhalers, using a spacer, and using a peak flow meter. A video on how to teach a child to belly breathe for relaxation has also been added.

Contact Name: 
Dominique Helou-Testerman
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American Lung Association Asthma Basics

A stand-alone learning module that teaches the basics of asthma management, including how to handle asthma episodes and breathing emergencies.

The American Lung Association Asthma Basics teaches how to identify the characteristics of asthma, learn how to recognize and manage triggers, understand the value of an asthma action plan, and recognize and respond accordingly to a breathing emergency. The module includes six how-to videos that teach the proper usage of asthma medications and devices.

This FREE online learning opportunity is targeted to adults with asthma, caregivers, asthma professionals, and anyone that would like to learn more about asthma management.

To register for the online module, contact

Contact Name: 
Dominique Helou-Testerman
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