Respirando Con AANMA

Sponsoring Program
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Respirando con AANMA is our Spanish Newsletter, which provides medically accurate information, tips and first-person stories. Written by families for families who know allergies and asthma firsthand.
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Indoor AirRepair Kit at Home, School and Play

Sponsoring Program
Sponsoring Program Name
EPA studies show that indoor levels of pollutants trigger allergy and asthma symptoms which may contribute to school absences and time missed at work. AANMA’s Indoor AIRepair™ at Home, School and Play kit takes families and school administrators on self-guided inspections, providing clues and no- and low-cost solutions to common indoor air quality problems.
Literacy Level

Initiating Change: Creating an Asthma Friendly School Toolkit

Sponsoring Program
Sponsoring Program Name
CDC and National Asthma Education and Prevention Program (NAEPP)
This toolkit was developed by the CDC and National Asthma Education and Prevention Program (NAEPP) help advocates at the district and school levels persuade people in their schools and communities of the importance of asthma-friendly schools.
File Attachment
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Breatherville USA -

Sponsoring Program
Sponsoring Program Name
AANMA is a clearinghouse for educational materials and resources that are practical, timely, medically accurate and consumer friendly. AANMA provides assistance via our toll-free helpline 800-315-8056, however, patients and families need access to reliable information 24 hours a day. gives patients and families educational resources whenever needed.
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Asthma Wellness Day Products

An asthma-focused health fair providing education, free managment tools, and spirometry testing for community members of all ages. Includes promotional poster, press release, guidelines for stations, and registration and photo consent forms.
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Target Audience

Asthma--You Can Breathe Easier (Bilingual)

Basic text and supporting graphics create an ultra-clear explanation of what asthma is, the patterns of an asthma attack, and ways to head off attacks before they happen. This booklet shows readers how they can lead a healthy, normal life with asthma, and urges them to work with their health-care provider. 8 pages in English, 8 pages in Spanish; 5 1/2" x 8"
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Total Programs in Action: 1101
Total Members in Action: 5114