School Personnel

The Virtual School Walkthrough Webinar 2.0: Responding to Common IAQ Issues and Concerns

Sponsoring Program: 
Listen to IAQ assessment experts Richard Prill and David Blake discuss how IAQ management teams at schools can effectively respond to issues and communicate IAQ assessment findings. Learn about tips and techniques for using common instruments, collecting data, and interpreting and reporting results in your school community.

The Virtual School Walkthrough Webinar 2.0: Responding to Common IAQ Issues and Concerns
(January 26, 2012)

This Webinar investigated how IAQ management teams can effectively respond to issues/concerns, and communicate IAQ assessment findings to the school community. Tips and techniques on properly using common instruments, data collection and interpretation, and effectively reporting results were discussed. IAQ assessment experts Richard Prill (Building Science and IAQ Specialist at Washington State University) and David Blake (Environmental Specialist at the Northwest Clean Air Agency) presented.

Listen to the Webinar (MP3) (MP3, 01:29:32, 15.7 M) | Read the Transcript (PDF) (40 pp., 220 K| Use the Slideshow (PDF) (24 pp., 7.3 M) | Read the Questions and Answers (PDF) (6 pp., 163 K)

Contact Name: 
Brandy Angell
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American Lung Association Asthma Videos Available on YouTube

New asthma videos are available on the American Lung Association's YouTube channel.

The American Lung Associaton recently posted new videos to its asthma YouTube channel. The channel now has eight how-to videos for asthma inhalers, using a spacer, and using a peak flow meter. A video on how to teach a child to belly breathe for relaxation has also been added.

Contact Name: 
Dominique Helou-Testerman
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American Lung Association Asthma Basics

A stand-alone learning module that teaches the basics of asthma management, including how to handle asthma episodes and breathing emergencies.

The American Lung Association Asthma Basics teaches how to identify the characteristics of asthma, learn how to recognize and manage triggers, understand the value of an asthma action plan, and recognize and respond accordingly to a breathing emergency. The module includes six how-to videos that teach the proper usage of asthma medications and devices.

This FREE online learning opportunity is targeted to adults with asthma, caregivers, asthma professionals, and anyone that would like to learn more about asthma management.

To register for the online module, contact

Contact Name: 
Dominique Helou-Testerman
Contact Email:
Contact Phone: 
Resource Type: 
