Climate and Health Knowledge: How much do you know?

Sponsoring Program Name: 
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Climate change is a significant threat to the health of the American people. EPA has recently published a series of fact sheets focusing on the health impacts of climate change at different stages of life, and for certain populations of concern.

No one is immune to the health impacts of climate change. But as with many threats to our health, certain populations are especially at risk. Some groups are more exposed to climate impacts because of where or how they live, some are more sensitive to health threats, and others may be less able to adapt to a changing climate. Populations who are especially at risk include:

  • Those with low income, some communities of color, immigrant groups (including those with limited English proficiency)
  • Indigenous peoples
  • Children
  • Pregnant women
  • Older adults
  • Vulnerable occupational groups like outdoor workers, first responders, and military personnel
  • People with disabilities
  • People with preexisting or chronic medical conditions.

EPA has recently published a series of fact sheets focusing on the health impacts of climate change at different stages of life, and for certain populations of concern.   The more we know about the health impacts of climate change, the better we can protect those who are vulnerable. Read the fact sheets and then test your knowledge with our climate and health quiz.

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Is Your School Asthma Friendly

Sponsoring Program Name: 
Michigan Department of Health & Human Services - Asthma Program
An infographic geared to school staff and administrators that includes Michigan asthma/school stats and best practices.

An infographic geared to school staff and administrators that includes Michigan asthma/school stats and best practices, and steps to make the scholl more asthma friendly.

Contact Name: 
Tisa Vorce
Contact Email:
Contact Phone: 
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Teachers’ Asthma Toolkit

Sponsoring Program Name: 
Asthma and Respiratory Foundation NZ
Asthma and Respiratory Foundation NZ are marking this year’s World Asthma Day with the launch of a revolutionary new online ‘Teachers’ Asthma Toolkit’.

This is a first for New Zealand and has been developed over the past twelve months. The toolkit is designed for teachers to have all the important information about asthma in one place. The Asthma and Respiratory Foundation NZ has been working alongside ‘Cognition Education Group’ in order to launch this new online tool. The ‘Teachers’ Asthma Toolkit’ is accessed via an interactive website


It’s a quick and easy way for teachers to learn all the necessary information about asthma. It includes video clips, animations, classroom resources and child friendly activities. We know it’s important as statistics show that there will be at least four children in a class of 30 students with asthma. 


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