Evaluation tools or other techniques for a small asthma ed program-any ideas?

  • Posted on: 13 July 2017
  • By: csaunders
Aloha: Can someone direct me to evaluation tools or kit or guidemlines for our small asthma program? I want to send a research proposal and to do so need a solid evaluation piece in my program which I dont have. Is there a quality of life or other scale if I cannot pull ER visit frequency before and after education? Mahalo Connie Saunders csaunders@uhahealth.com

evaluation of effectiveness for small asthma ed programs

Aloha:Can someone direct me to evaluation tools or kit or guidemlines for our small asthma program?

I want to send a research proposal and to do so need a solid evaluation piece in my program which I dont have.

Is there a quality of life or other scale if I cannot pull ER visit frequency before and after education?


Connie Saunders


NCHH e-Learning

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Learn more about systems, infrastructure, and financing for home-based asthma services.

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