HCSC: Medicaid reimbursement?

HI all, thanks so much for a very informative webinar. My question is for Bridget: Does HCSC provide asthma services to its Medicaid population? If so, do you receive any amount of reimbursement through Medicaid, or have you had any discussions with state Medicaid offices about this? Thank you!

Question From An Adult Asthma Program

Good afternoon all,

I work in a program that conducts work-related asthma surveillance associated with occupational or work-related exposures/triggers in adults. I am wondering: How often do parents/guardians report or mention work-related asthma during home visits focused on their children? Our program is looking to expand our outreach efforts and partnerships, ideas are welcome!

Thank you!

Establishing a partnership with local ALA Chapter

For Kathleen:  What is your advice to a Health Plan in New England for establishing a partnership with the local ALA Chapter?   Where to start?    How long did it take your organization to build your partnership with the ALA Upper Mid West?  Thanks!
