Thoughts regarding recent study of Montelukast and behavioral side effects

Hi all,

I am curious what other asthma providers think of the latest article regarding Montelukast being possibly linked to nightmares and aggression ( link to article here: ).  Has anyone seen this in their practice? 

Thanks for your thoughts and input!

Mold, vocs, smoking, in disabled and elderly project based section 8.

I hear much about smoking being bad in federally funded multi family projects, and it is, management at my building say they would have issues renting if they went smoke free.  Although those of us who actually live in this buildings know how bad the environment is.  How come mold is so over looked, how come even when you complain about health issues from pesticides and breathing issues from pesticides they still come in for added applications living residents with no save place to go for days to weeks to ever again.
