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Article on Asthma Care Coverage in State Medicaid Programs

Posted on: By: SCG_Ric
Through the American Lung Association’s Asthma Guidelines-Based Care Coverage Project, the organization determines the extent of asthma care coverage and associated barriers in state Medicaid programs — information that has been previously unavailable. The Project tracked coverage for 7 areas of guidelines-based asthma care and 9 barriers related to accessing care in Medicaid programs for all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. Results from the Project show a lack of consistent and comprehensive coverage across states, as well as coverage-related challenges to accessing asthma care within states.

Evaluation tools or other techniques for a small asthma ed program-any ideas?

Posted on: By: csaunders
Can someone direct me to evaluation tools or kit or guidemlines for our small asthma program?
I want to send a research proposal and to do so need a solid evaluation piece in my program which I dont have.
Is there a quality of life or other scale if I cannot pull ER visit frequency before and after education?
Connie Saunders

What's Up with the Atmosphere? book and video- Making Connections in STEM and STEAM using Blended Instruction

Posted on: By: New Health Options
*Watch Gault Elementary 4th graders be mezmerized by Science, use Math in daily practice, breath more deeply by working on problems in teams, and hear how Principal Albion responded to combining Music with Math and the other components of STEM. Could integrated education make school cool to an asthma sufferer and safer too?

What's Up with the Atmosphere? book and video- Making Connections in STEM and STEAM using Blended Instruction

Posted on: By: New Health Options
*Do you want other kids to be kinder to your child who suffers from Asthma?- Explore the subject covertly by reading this GLOBE Elementary storybook or seeing the attached video.
*Can vocabulary building help children to be more compassionate and get new rewards from school?- watch it.
*Ever wonder how tough subjects can be relevant and relevant to kids and help them to focus.
*Watch Gault Elementary 4th graders be mezmerized by Science, use Math in daily practice, breath more deeply by working on problems in teams, and hear how Principal Albion responded to combining Music with Math and the other components of STEM.

Want to become a home pro helping families with their homes' health and safety?

Posted on: By: Hannah Wood
The Building Performance Institute (BPI) hosted a webinar with representatives from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Green & Healthy Housing Initiative (GHHI), and Healthy Housing Solutions on December 6th along with over 330 healthy housing stakeholders, including 240 home BPI GoldStar Contractors and Certified Pros, contractors interested in getting Healthy Home Evaluator (HHE) certified.

Imaging Advance Offers New View on Allergic Asthma

Posted on: By: wekantalk
You probably know people who sneeze a little when they encounter plant pollens, pet dander, or other everyday allergens. For others, however, these same allergens can trigger a serious asthma attack that can make breathing a life-or-death struggle. Now, two NIH-funded research groups have teamed up to help explain the differences in severity underlying the two types of reactions.

Cleaning Products to Avoid if You Have Allergies

Posted on: By: wekantalk

Facts and Statistics about Asthma

Posted on: By: wekantalk
Asthma is a very common condition. Just about every American has probably had an encounter with it either from personal experience or from someone they know. To help raise awareness about just how much this health condition affects our country, we’ve compiled a list of asthma facts and statistics.

Test Your Knowledge on Climate & Health

Posted on: By: mfrohna
Climate change is a significant threat to the health of the American people.

Online Research Study for Adolescents with Asthma!

Posted on: By: ResearcherNC
Are you a 13-18 year old with asthma?

In the past year have you also :
o Used prescription asthma medicine?
o Had some trouble controlling your asthma?

If so, we have an opportunity for you!

Create or Update Your Program Profile Today!


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Total Members in Action: 5114