Cleaner Air, Bigger Lungs
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By: nshuster
In the latter half of the 20th century, Los Angeles had, by many measures, higher levels of photochemical air pollutants than any other major city in the United States. To address this problem, the California Air Resources Board and its partners became leaders in quantifying the health effects of air pollutants and in aggressively implementing pollution-control strategies.
Authored by: Douglas W. Dockery, Sc.D., and James H. Ware, Ph.D.
Authored by: Douglas W. Dockery, Sc.D., and James H. Ware, Ph.D.
Asthma Awareness Month (AAM) Events
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By: lworthington
What is the Asthma Coalition of Los Angeles doing for Asthma Awareness Month?
Request for assistance - need to use a validated asthma education survey tool
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By: MJ_MSU2015
Doctoral student in MD looking for an expert(s) who have done focus groups with asthma patients
Data on removing carpets at schools to improve IAQ
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By: PVAsthmaCoalition
Looking for research or outcomes data from removing school carpeting to reduce environmental triggers for asthma
CDC Awards Funding for Comprehensive Asthma Control
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By: wekantalk
This September, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) awarded funds to 23 state health departments under the Funding Opportunity Announcement for “Comprehensive Asthma Control Through Evidence-based Strategies and Public Health—Health Care Collaboration” for a 5-year period. These awards focus on strategies to provide asthma care, such as connecting the awardees with innovative health care partners to reach populations that are disproportionately impacted by asthma.
Any advice on how to successfully collect follow-up data for in-home visits?
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By: crempe
We are having such a hard time making contact after the first 2 home visits are completed (our protocol is telephone follow-up @ 3,6,and 12 months
New free App Released on Asthma Inhaler Usage - Asthma Inhaler Videos
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Webinar: Pioneering Medical Perspectives on Childhood Asthma
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Despite multiple medical advances over the past several decades, the treatment of childhood asthma is remarkably unchanged and our understanding of the disease has, in many areas, raised more questions than answers. Only recently have new perspectives emerged that are beginning to dramatically change the way we approach asthma diagnosis and treatment.
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