
Allergy and Asthma Network and Moms Clean Air Force

Sponsoring Program Name: 
Asthma & Allergy Network, Moms Clean Air Force
How climate change affects asthma and what you can do about it.

This brochure will answer:

1. What is climate change?
2. Why is climate change bad for people with asthma?
3. What can we do – in our homes and communities – to protect our health?
4. How can we help slow down climate change now and in the future?

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MCAN Putting Together the Pieces Infographic

Sponsoring Program Name: 
Merck Childhood Asthma Network
Interested in learning more about the growing problem of childhood asthma? View MCAN's Putting Together the Pieces to Manage Childhood Asthma infographic.

It's time to overcome the heavy burden of childhood asthma. Although we don't have all the pieces of the childhood asthma puzzle, we know enough to better manage this chronic condition and help millions of families across America.


Most people don't realize that 1 in every 11 children has asthma and that asthma is the most common chronic condition among children. Asthma also accounts for children missing 13 million school days a year.

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Help Your Child Gain Control Over Asthma

Sponsoring Program: 
This brochure offers tips on how to manage asthma and follow simple steps to minimize exposure to asthma triggers found indoors and out.

It’s hard to see your child sick. The good news is that you can help your child gain control over asthma. That
means fewer days out of school and fewer attacks that can be scary for you and your child. Along with the doctor, you have an important role in helping your child control asthma. This brochure offers tips on how to manage asthma and follow simple steps to minimize exposure to asthma triggers found indoors and out.

Contact Name: 
EPA Asthma Team
Resource Type: 
