Please post your questions for the webinar on ‘Increasing CHW Impact by Partnering with Weatherization/Healthy Homes,' here.

Outdoor pollutant sources

Posted on: 17 September 2014 By:

Seattle has plenty of outdoor pollution from congested traffic, I-5 truck traffic, trains, airports, and industrial sources.  Also, ETS from adjoinging apartments can be problem.

Did you see any homes in your study that may have been impacted by such sources?  These impacts may have confounded some of your results.

Did you try any measures to mitigate the impact of such sources?


Tom Phillips


Posted on: 17 September 2014 By: jamieleesantana

One of the things we have encountered with our program is that there is a barrier in communications in regards to being able to get a hold of families via email, phone call, text message, mail and unannounced visits.
What are the methods that your program employs to engage families and promote participation?

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