ESS Tool
How can I obtain the scoring tool?
Please submit your questions for the webinar, "A New Tool for Asthma Home Visiting Programs: The Environmental Scoring System".
How can I obtain the scoring tool?
Is the tool optimized for multifamily housing situations and triggers that arise in those situations, such as "shared air"?
What has the experience been for the community health workers and other asthma home visitors who have utilized this tool during home visits? Has it improved the quality of the visits, relationships with families, etc.?
Does this take into account air quality after disasters? Can it? Should it?
The webinar did not address intervention strategies or documentation. What interventions were reducing triggers or ED visits?
Kids are at their School as much as they are at home.for much of the year, and a view of asthma hospitalizations and ED visits shows a Back-to-School peak in Sept-Nov. and on first days back to school after holidays.
Once an asthma trigger is found, do you assist the communities to solve it?
Although you mentioned that the tool is rather blunt, did you find an increased level of knowledge of the household's asthmat triggers? on the part of the family and on the part of the CHWs that visit those homes?
I would like to know if you take into account allergy testing and results when assessing the environmental triggers.
BPI Building Performance Inst. Healthy Home Evaluators are trained in building science and conditions that impact occupants, including asthma triggers.
Our Newest Program: Kentucky Asthma Management Program