Adolescent With Asthma

CDC's Asthma Awareness Toolkit

Asthma Awareness Toolkit – You can use the items in CDC’s Asthma Awareness Month Toolkit to take control of and raise awareness about asthma.

Asthma, a lung disease, affects over 25 million people living in the United States, including 1 in 11 children. It causes 3 in 5 people living with asthma to limit their physical activity or miss days at school and work. Asthma is also expensive, costing the nation $56 billion each year.

On World Asthma Day (the first Tuesday of May) and throughout May, people with asthma and organizations dedicated to asthma control and education join together to increase awareness about asthma and improve the lives of all people with asthma.

This toolkit features information for people with asthma, schools, public health practitioners, and others grouped in one place for Asthma Awareness Month use. Use the Asthma Awareness Toolkit to raise awareness today!

Contact Name: 
Scott A. Damon
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Free Care Rule Regulatory Change: New Opportunities for Medicaid Reimbursement in Schools

Since 1997, the “free care” rule has stated that Medicaid will not pay for services that are offered to the general public free of charge. The rule has stood as a significant barrier for schools to receive Medicaid reimbursement for health services provided to students enrolled in Medicaid. On December 15, 2014, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) issued a letter to State Medicaid Directors informing them of a decision to withdraw prior regulatory guidance on the free care rule. The following Q&A explains how this important reversal of Medicaid policy will impact coverage of school-based interventions for low-income children with asthma.

Why are school health services so important for low-income children with asthma? Many children come to school needing access to preventive health services, support for emotional development, care for acute illnesses, and help with managing chronic conditions. Almost half of public school children live in families at or below the federal poverty level, and many live in medically underserved communities with limited access to health care. For these children, schools become an important venue for receiving necessary health care services.  School health services are especially important for the more than 7 million US children with asthma who depend on access to school nurses and other health providers for appropriate management of their condition while at school.  As Medicaid-eligible populations are more likely to have asthma and less likely to have their condition well-controlled, offering asthma programs in low-income school districts is important for insuring that underserved children with asthma have access to the care they need.

How did the free care rule limit access to school health services for children with asthma?  Suppose a school had a large population of students with uncontrolled asthma and wanted to implement a comprehensive asthma management program for their students following National Asthma Education and Prevention Program (NAEPP) guidelines. If the school implemented such a program – including elements such as maintaining an asthma action plan for students and providing asthma education to help with self-management skills – the school would not be able to seek any Medicaid reimbursement for asthma management services rendered to Medicaid beneficiaries if the same services were provided to other students for free.  Application of the free care rule prevented Medicaid funds from flowing to schools even though medically necessary services (medical assistance to students experiencing asthma symptoms) and health education and anticipatory guidance (asthma self-management education) are covered generally by Medicaid and reimbursable under other circumstances. Without the opportunity to seek Medicaid funding, many schools in disadvantaged areas have been unable to deliver or maintain asthma management services for their students.

How does the rule change improve opportunities for school health services?  The recent withdrawal of the free care rule by CMS removes a major barrier to accessing funding for school health services. This shift in Medicaid policy has the potential to greatly change the health service landscape in schools that serve predominantly low-income, Medicaid-eligible students.  Upon implementation of this rule change, schools will have access to a dependable, sustainable source of reimbursement for the Medicaid-eligible services they provide or may want to provide.  The accessibility of Medicaid dollars opens doors to schools to address student health needs – high rates of asthma, diabetes, behavioral health issues, etc. – by implementing evidence-based programs school-wide.

What are next steps in implementation and what challenges exist?  CMS has now cleared the way for Medicaid reimbursement for school health services, but it is up to states and school districts to implement this rule change. Many states have integrated the free care rule into state regulations and these will need to be updated to enable schools to start seeking reimbursement from the state Medicaid plan. Resolving outdated state regulations is just the first step: the education sector needs to be informed about the rule change to help school districts overcome assumptions that they cannot bill Medicaid. Furthermore, schools will need to acquire the staff and technology infrastructure necessary to bill Medicaid for health services rendered.  These factors will take time and resources.  

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Contact Name: 
EPA Asthma Team
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State-Based Medicaid Costs for Pediatric Asthma Emergency Department Visits

The prevalence of childhood asthma in the United States increased from 8.7% in 2001 to 9.5% in 2011. This increased prevalence adds to the costs incurred by state Medicaid programs. We provide state-based cost estimates of pediatric asthma emergency department (ED) visits and highlight an opportunity for states to reduce these costs through a recently changed Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) regulation.


The prevalence of childhood asthma in the United States increased from 8.7% in 2001 to 9.5% in 2011. This increased prevalence adds to the costs incurred by state Medicaid programs. We provide state-based cost estimates of pediatric asthma emergency department (ED) visits and highlight an opportunity for states to reduce these costs through a recently changed Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) regulation.

We used a cross-sectional design across multiple data sets to produce state-based cost estimates for asthma-related ED visits among children younger than 18, where Medicaid/CHIP (Children’s Health Insurance Program) was the primary payer.

There were approximately 629,000 ED visits for pediatric asthma for Medicaid/CHIP enrollees, which cost $272 million in 2010. The average cost per visit was $433. Costs ranged from $282,000 in Alaska to more than $25 million in California.

Costs to states for pediatric asthma ED visits vary widely. Effective January 1, 2014, the CMS rule expanded which type of providers can be reimbursed for providing preventive services to Medicaid/CHIP beneficiaries. This rule change, in combination with existing flexibility for states to define practice setting, allows state Medicaid programs to reimburse for asthma interventions that use nontraditional providers (such as community health workers or certified asthma educators) in a nonclinical setting, as long as the service was initially recommended by a physician or other licensed practitioner. The rule change may help states reduce Medicaid costs of asthma treatment and the severity of pediatric asthma.

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Contact Name: 
EPA Asthma Team
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